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New Products: Thermo Fisher, Bio-Rad, and More


Thermo Fisher Scientific this week introduced its Thermo Scientific Vanquish UHPLC system, with which the company is targeted the high-end research market.

According to the company, the instrument offers 1,500 bar maximum pump pressure and flow rate up to 5mL per minute. The instrument also features SmartFlow pumping technology for reproducible retention times, both direct heating and forced air temperature controls, and the Chromeleon data system.

Bio-Rad this week launched its Bio-Plex Pro RBM Human Metabolic and Hormone Assays, seven multiplex immunoassay panels to a total of 39 analytes for use in research into metabolic and cardiovascular conditions.

Shimadzu has released its i-Series HPLC systems. The systems feature a new PC-free operating environment, allowing researchers to control them from smart devices and automate workflows from start-up to shutdown after analysis.