Bruker this week launched its new Autoflex Speed MALDI TOF/TOF mass spectrometer.
The instrument features a 2 kHz solid-state laser for high-throughput applications including LC-MALDI, MALDI imaging and microbiology identification as well as expanded high-resolution mass range for analysis of intact proteins, the company said.
Waters this week introduced its ionKey/MS device for integrating UPLC systems to mass spectrometers.
The device contains fluidic and electronic connections that allow researchers to easily connect UPLC to mass spec enabling improved sensitivity along with reduced solvent and sample sizes, the company said.
AB Sciex this week introduced its CESI 8000 system, a capillary electrophoresis and electrospray ionization platform intended for biologics characterization.
According to the company, the platform offers improved ionization efficiency while reducing ion suppression.
Phenomenex this week released its Kinetex Core-Shell Biphenyl HPLC/UHPLC columns, offering researchers an orthogonal selectivity to traditional c18 phases.
Biophoretics this week released its Realtime Stain pre-electrophoretic protein stain for SDS-PAGE, which, the company said, allows researchers to see the separation of all sample lanes as they occur, letting them monitor the experiment as it proceeds.