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New Products: Apr 22, 2011


Intrinsic Bioprobes this week launched three assays for protein biomarkers tied to kidney disease and renal failure.

The assays, which are based on the company's Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay technology, quantitate levels of beta-2-microglobulin, cystatin C, and retinol binding protein, which, the company said, are FDA-approved clinical markers for kidney disease and renal failure.

The assays will be offered out of the CLIA-certified diagnostic laboratory of the Institute for Genomics Medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

GE Healthcare this week launched its new Streptavidin Mag Sepharose magnetic beads and its MagRack Maxi magnetic rack.

The Mag Sepharose beads are for the purification of biotinylated biomolecules and have a more than 400-fold enrichment factor to enable increased identification of target proteins, the company said. The MagRack is designed to provide improved handling of samples.