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New Products: Nov 12, 2010


Agilent introduced this week its new 500 Ion Trap LC/MS mass spectrometer, which the company said is intended for routine MS, MS/MS, and MSn analysis.

The instrument can be ordered and operated with any of Agilent's LC products.

GE Healthcare this week launched its Membrane Protein Purification Kit for the detergent screening of histidine-tagged membrane proteins.

Each kit contains seven detergents and His Mag Sepharose Ni buffer stock solutions and is sufficient for two complete screening experiments.

Premier Biosoft this week released SimLipid, a lipid characterization software package that profiles lipids by matching experimental MS spectra to its own annotated database.

Along with probable lipid structure, the software can retrieve information including lipid category, lipid mass, chemical formula, and other database links, the company said.

Thermo Fisher Scientific this week released Mass Frontier 7.0, the latest version of its small molecule structural elucidation software, which is intended for use in metabolomics, as well as forensics, natural products, impurities, and degradants research.

The software features a Fragment Ion Search screening tool, which allows researchers to screen structurally similar compounds based on the fragmentation pattern of the parent compound, and the HighChem Fragmentation Library, which contains fragmentation mechanisms for small molecules collated from published literature.