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Metabolon Providing Murdock Institute Access to its Metabolomics Technology

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Metabolon and the David H. Murdock Research Institute today announced a deal to provide the Murdock Institute access to Metabolon's metabolomics biomarker discovery and profiling platform.

Metabolon's platform provides a metabolite survey of more than 4,000 biochemicals and complements the Murdock Institute's mass spectrometry and NMR-based metabolomics services, the two companies said, adding the deal will give the institute's partners additional resources for metabolomics.

Metabolon's technology pinpoints active metabolomic pathways "which can be further interrogated by targeted and or customized approaches offered by the [Murdock Institute] team" Metabolon and the Murdock Institute said.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"This agreement leverages the strengths of our organizations to best serve [Murdock Institute] collaborators to understand metabolism and ultimately answer key research questions and deliver healthy food products for consumers," Metabolon Senior VP of Sales and Marketing Chris Bernard said in a statement.