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German Lab Network to Use Bruker Biotyper

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Bruker Daltonics will provide its MALDI Biotyper systems to more than 30 European clinical labs through an agreement with the Limbach laboratory network, Bruker said today.

Bruker said that the exclusive agreement covers orders for the Biotyper systems for labs in Ravensburg, Freiburg, and in Heidelberg. The company also said it reached an agreement with Limbach to jointly introduce the Biotyper in Poland through Limbach's labs in Warsaw and in Gdansk, and in other labs in Germany.

Limbach's Heidelberg lab installed a Biotyper system in 2007, and since then it has been installed at clinical microbiology centers in Heidelberg, Koblenz, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Singen, Magdeburg, and Nordhorn, the company said.

The Bruker system uses proteomic fingerprinting for molecular identification, environmental and pharmaceutical analysis, taxonomical research, food and consumer product processing, quality control, and marine microbiology.

Financial terms of the agreement were not released.