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Funding Update: NSF Grants Awarded to University of Illinois, University of Washington


Recent NSF Awards in Proteomics and Protein Research

Title: Multimode Smartphone Biosensor
Principal Investigators: Brian Cunningham, Steven Lumetta
Sponsor: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Start/End Date: June 1, 2013 – May 31, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $600,000

Funds development of applications using the internal camera of a smartphone as a spectrometer and the internal LED as a light source for purposes including the low-cost, accessible detection of protein biomarkers for the nutritional status of children and the detection of HIV viral antibodies.

Title: Low-cost Silicon Photonic Biosensors for Enhanced Label-free Detection in Complex Media
Principal Investigators: Daniel Ratner
Sponsors: University of Washington
Start/End Date: June 1, 2013 – May 31, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $300,000

Funds an effort to move silicon photonic biosensor technology into clinical use by reducing the size and cost of the optical source while improving performance by combining silicon nanophotonic devices designed for use with inexpensive lasers and chemistries optimized for label-free detection in complex biological media.