Recent NSF Awards in Proteomics and Protein Research
Title: Acquisition of a Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Proteomics and Metabolomics
Principal Investigators: Kyongbum Lee, David Kaplan, Qiaobing Xu, Lauren Black
Sponsor: Tufts University
Start/End Date: Oct. 1, 2013 – Sept. 30, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $388,652
Funds the acquisition of a Q-TOF mass spec for use in analyzing proteins and peptides as well as metabolites and other small molecules.
Title: Scalable Nanomanufacturing of Cyclic Peptide-Based Nanorobots for In Vivo Sensing
Principal Investigator: Mingjun Zhang
Sponsor: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Start/End Date: Sept. 1, 2013 – Aug. 31, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $288,948
Funds development of a nanomanufacturing platform for fabricating cyclic peptide-based nanorobots linked to DNA aptamers that can release a target payload in response to binding of a target biomarker to the linked aptamer. These devices can be used for a variety of applications including in vivo sensing and targeted drug delivery.
Title: Acquisition of a MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometer for Molecular Structure Determination and Imaging
Principal Investigators:Michael Bowser, Joseph Dalluge
Sponsor: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Start/End Date: Sept. 1, 2013 – Aug. 31, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $285,544
Funds acquisition of a MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spec for applications including characterizing engineered tissues, studying the localization of autophagy markers, and characterizating bioactive proteins and nucleic acids.
Title: Quantitative Biosensing at the Single-molecule Level
Principal Investigator: Joel Harris
Sponsor: University of Utah
Start/End Date: Sept. 1, 2013 – Aug. 31, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $400,000
Funds work on developing new microscopy methods to optimize sensors for ultrasensitive detection of biomolecules by quantitative single-molecule imaging.
Title: Optogenetic Dissection of Protein Kinase Networks
Principal Investigators: Alexander Deiters, Jason Haugh
Sponsor: University of Pittsburgh
Start/End Date: Sept. 1, 2013 – Aug. 31, 2016
Amount Awarded to Date: $625,000
Funds research into a method of controlling kinases via light by genetically encoding them to contain a caged lysine residue that allows researchers to activate the enzyme upon exposure to UV light. These reagents will be used to elucidate patterns of kinase signaling.
Title: Profiling Dynamic Changes in Animal Circadian Clock Protein Networks
Principal Investigator:Joanna Chiu
Sponsor: University of California-Davis
Start/End Date: Aug. 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014
Amount Awarded to Date: $149,995
Funds an effort to study the dynamic interactions between circadian oscillator protein complexes and other cellular machinery using mass spec-based proteomics.