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Ezose Wins Michael J Fox Foundation Grant for Work on Glycans Linked to Parkinson's


Ezose Sciences said this week that it has received a grant from the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research to investigate the role of glycans in Parkinson's disease.

The company will use its GlycanMap technology to compare glycan profiles and their changes over time in brain stem tissue from rat models of the disease and controls.

“Two important steps toward the development of a disease-modifying therapy for Parkinson’s are greater understanding of the underlying pathology of the disease and validation of a reliable biomarker. Ezose’s glycan analysis offers a new approach to serve those goals and bring us closer to a Parkinson’s cure,” Mark Frasier, vice president of research programs at the Michael J Fox Foundation, said in a statement.

The GlycanMap platform uses an automated 96-well format, high-throughput glycan enrichment system linked to MALDI-TOF mass spec to enable quantitative analysis of the molecules with the aim of discovering glycan changes linked to altered protein function.

The amount of the grant was not disclosed.