Targeted proteomics firm Biognosys said this week that it is collaborating with the Functional Genomics Center Zurich on large-scale testing of its SpectroDive software for parallel-reaction monitoring mass spectrometry.
Under the collaboration, the parties will test the software on a range of different experiments and instrument set-ups in order to further develop the PRM method, Biognosys said.
Parellel-reaction monitoring uses high-resolution mass spec for quantification, relying on the upfront quadrupole of a Q-TOF or Q-Orbitrap machine to isolate a target precursor ion, and then monitor not just a few, but all of the resulting product ions.
The larger number of product ions monitored via PRM can improve the specificity of the analysis, since more transitions will be available to confirm a peptide ID. It can also reduce the effects of co-isolating background peptides.