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AB Sciex Taking over Management of Beckman Coulter's Capillary Electrophoresis Unit

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – AB Sciex today announced that it is combining its Eksigent chromatography business with the capillary electrophoresis unit of its fellow Danaher stablemate Beckman Coulter.

The move, which the company said will include the transfer of personnel as well as technology, is designed to bolster AB Sciex's separations business and could aid in advancing analysis of target drugs, drug metabolites, organic acids, amino acids, low molecular weight amines, peptides, nucleic acids, and nucleosides.

Among the likely areas of focus is proteomics, where CE coupled to mass spectrometry offers information complementary to liquid chromatography, including improved characterization of intact proteins and their isoforms as well as protein complexes.

The integration is slated to take place by the end of Q3, at which time AB Sciex's separations business will manage both the standalone Beckman Coulter CE products and the integrated CE-MS offerings. The CE products will continue to be branded Beckman Coulter, the company said.