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AB Sciex, Dalton Collaborating on Mass Spec Analysis of Antibody-Drug Conjugates

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – AB Sciex and Dalton Pharma Services said today that they have formed a research collaboration to develop methods for analyzing antibody-drug conjugates.

The collaboration will focus on developing mass spectrometry workflows for determining the chemical structures of conjugated molecules.

"A key challenge for developing successful antibody-drug conjugate medicines is understanding the structure and payload of the final molecule," Tan Quach, chemistry manager at Dalton, said in a statement. "Determining where the drug attaches to a particular antibody early in its development and the number of drug molecules on the antibody are important indicators of the likely success of a new ADC."

"Recent advances in mass spectrometry have provided a solution to answer the challenging questions in terms of understanding ADC drug development and working within a biological matrix," said Chris Radloff, vice president, LC/ MS Business at AB Sciex. "Utilizing these molecules is difficult and by forming this partnership, ADC developers can now reduce complications and obtain accurate results that will ultimately lead to safer, more effective therapies."

The research will use AB Sciex's TripleTOF 5600+ with Selexion technology and TripleTOF 6600 platforms.