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Thallion Sells Stake in Caprion for $4.5M

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Thallion Pharmaceuticals today said that it has sold its remaining stake in Caprion Proteomics for approximately C$4.5 million (US$4.5 million).

The Montreal-based proteomics firm was sold by healthcare investment firm Great Point Partners to an affiliate of Chicago Growth Partners. The sale comes four years after Thallion sold an 80 percent interest in Caprion to Great Point.

Thallion today said that it received approximately C$3.9 million for its remaining stake in Caprion, and it will receive further cash proceeds within the next 15 months of up to C$583,000 which is currently being held in escrow.

Thallion also is entitled to a pro rata share of net proceeds generated from the licensing, selling, or commercialization of diagnostic products or services using certain Caprion products.

Caprion provides biomarker services using its CellCarta and multiplexed multiple reaction monitoring assays as well as diagnostic development services.