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Shimadzu, Sony DADC Extend MALDI Collaboration

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Shimadzu and Sony DADC have extended a collaboration to develop application-specific, individually barcoded, disposable MALDI targets for regulated and non-regulated markets.

The alliance involves Shimadzu's wholly owned subsidiary Kratos Analytical and is focused on developing MALDI products for new application areas where targets can be given application-specific properties. The firms have collaborated over the past four years and developed the Fleximass DS disposable MALDI targets, which has been applied to forensics and imaging workflows.

"As we move into increasingly regulated markets such as medical devices, the need for labs to cost-effectively eliminate the possibility of cross-contamination, and to ensure a robust audit trail, means that it will no longer be possible to use the old style of re-usable metal MALDI targets," Kozo Shimazu, managing director of Kratos Analytical, said in a statement released yesterday.

Further terms of the agreement were not disclosed.