NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Data management and integration company IO Informatics said today that it has partnered with Sage-N Research to integrate their technologies to create a new proteomics research application aimed at microbial detection and biomarker discovery.
IO Informatics said that the companies have integrated its Sentient software suite with Sage-N-Research's Sorcerer Enterprise plug and play system to create an approach for using semantic data in mass spectrometry-based proteomics research.
"One application of this novel approach is to identify peptides from different microorganisms with common mechanism of actions, and to categorize them as potential biomarkers, and it also has the capability to detect microbial threats prior to onset of disease symptoms," Sage-N-Research VP of Marketing Ali Pervez said in a statement.
"Future applications of this technology will enable automated screening for biological threats, to characterize origin and type of disease and to develop preventive measures (drugs or vaccines) effective for several classes of microorganism," added IO Informatics President Robert Stanley.