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HealthLinx Says Sigma-Aldrich Patent Challenge Is Rejected

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Australian biomarker discovery firm HealthLinx said this week that the European Patent Office has rejected Sigma-Aldrich's objection to a patent issued to HealthLinx covering IgY immunodepletion technology.

The patent at the center of the dispute, EP1540304, is entitled, "Depletion of Plasma Proteins," and covers technology that is used in discovering protein biomarkers.

According to HealthLinx, it has been defending its patent position over the past 18 months. It noted that Sigma-Aldrich has a final opportunity to argue its position in September, but the firm is "confident that no additional material arguments can be presented by Sigma that would alter the EPO's decision."

Melbourne-based HealthLinx also said that it has a patent covering the technology in Australia and has offered Sigma the opportunity to license the technology. However, Sigma chose to withdraw its products that infringe the patent from the Australia market instead, it said.