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Biognosys, Waters Ink Comarketing Deal for DIA Mass Spec Tech

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Biognosys and Waters said today they have entered into a comarketing agreement covering data-independent acquisition (DIA) mass spec technology.

The agreement brings together Biognosys' Spectronaut Pulsar DIA software and Waters' SONAR DIA mass spec method.

The SONAR method, which Waters released last year at the Human Proteome Organization's annual meeting, uses the quadrupole of its Xevo G2-XS QTOF to actively scan the large m/z windows used in DIA approaches, adding separation of precursors and improving assay performance. The company has said the method outperformed Swath-style DIA methods in internal research, but has so far not provided any details on this work.

"SONAR technology tightly links two loosely connected dimensions of DIA data which makes this acquisition strategy very interesting," Biognosys Chief Technology Officer Lukas Reiter said in a statement. "Expanding the functionality of Spectronaut Pulsar software to support SONAR data was the most logical step during development. It enables our users to achieve a higher level of data confidence even when analyzing complex samples."

Financial and other terms of the agreement were not disclosed.