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Veracyte: William Bulman, Paul Kelly Marcom

Veracyte has appointed William Bulman and Paul Kelly Marcom as its medical director for lung cancer and medical director for breast cancer, respectively.

Bulman most recently served as associate professor of medicine at Columbia University and director of bronchoscopy at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He has also served as course director for the pulmonary medicine section of the first-year curriculum at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, director of the medical school’s Scholarly Projects Program, medical director of the High-Risk Lung Nodule Assessment Center, and the medical director of Columbia Pulmonary Associates.

Marcom previously served as disease group leader at Duke University Medical Institute's breast cancer disease group and as a tenured professor of medicine. He as also served as a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network EHR oncology advisory group and breast cancer panel.