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Roche: Christoph Franz, Severin Schwan, Thomas Schinecker

Roche announced that Christoph Franz, the company's current chairman of the board of directors, will not seek re-election in 2023. As a result, the firm's current CEO Severin Schwan will be proposed for the chairman position, while Roche Diagnostics CEO Thomas Schinecker will take over as the company's CEO, effective March 15.

Franz has served as chairman since 2014 and has been on the board since 2011. Schwan, meantime, has been a member of the corporate executive committee since 2006 and has served as CEO since 2008. He became a member of the board in 2013.

Schinecker has been CEO of Roche Diagnostics and a member of the corporate executive committee since 2019 and previously served in a variety of leadership positions at the company.