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Navinci: Caroline Gallant, Eva Pisa, Maria Tell, Ulf Landegren, Jan Anderson, Mats Nilsson, Carolina Wählby, Daniel Fürth

Spatial proteomics firm Navinci has named Caroline Gallant as chief technology officer. She joins the company from 10x Genomics.

Navinci has also named Eva Pisa as chairman of its board of directors and appointed Maria Tell to its board. Pisa has worked for a number of diagnostic and life science companies and serves on the board of HSE, Envetec, and Qiagen. Tell joins the board as a representative of Segulah Medical Acceleration.

Additionally, the company has formed a scientific advisory board headed by Ulf Landegren, a founder and co-owner of the firm. Other members include Jan Anderson, a professor at Karolinska Institute; Mats Nilsson, a professor at Stockholm University; Carolina Wählby, a professor at Uppsala University; and Daniel Fürth, an assistant professor at Uppsala University.