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Genapsys: Priya Ray, Peter Swider

DNA sequencing technology firm Genapsys has appointed Priya Ray as VP of quality and regulatory affairs and Peter Swider as VP of accounting and finance.

Ray has previously led quality and regulatory departments at Applied Biosystems, Philips Medical, Varian Medical, and Myriad Genetics. She holds a bachelor's degree in physiology from Presidency College in Calcutta, India, a master's degree in physiology from Science College at Calcutta University, and a master's degree in computer science from Regis University.

Swider previously worked at ArcherDx, which was acquired by Invitae last year. Prior to that, he held various corporate accounting finance roles at HomeAdvisor, Ciber, and Renewable Energy Systems. He holds a BS in finance as well as BS and MS degrees in accounting from the University of Illinois.