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GenapSys: Loretta Cecil, Fredrik Eliasson, Diana McKenzie,

GenapSys has appointed Loretta Cecil, Fredrik Eliasson, and Diana McKenzie to its board of directors.

Cecil is executive VP and general counsel at healthcare software firm Change Healthcare. Previously, she was senior VP of governance relations at McKesson and general counsel for McKesson Technology Solutions. She holds a JD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a BA in political science and communication studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Eliasson is executive VP and CFO at Change Healthcare. Previously, he held various roles, including executive VP, chief sales and marketing officer, and CFO, at CSX Corporation. He holds MBA and BA degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University.

McKenzie is the former chief information officer of Workday. Before that, she had the same role at Amgen, and prior to that, she held IT and other positions at Eli Lilly. She has a BS in computer information systems and computer technology from Purdue University.