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Caris Life Sciences: George Sledge

Caris Life Sciences has appointed George Sledge as its executive VP and chief medical officer. He will oversee the firm's medical affairs, research, and medical education, including the Caris Precision Oncology Alliance and the company's team of medical science liaisons. Prior to joining Caris, Sledge was professor of medicine in the oncology division at Stanford University School of Medicine. He was most recently co-director of the Stanford Cancer Institute's cancer therapeutics program and served as chief of the division of oncology from 2013 to 2020. He has also held various other positions, including chair of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group's Breast Cancer Committee, member of the US Food and Drug Administration's Oncology Drug Advisory Committee, member of the Integration Panel within the Department of Defense's Breast Cancer Research Program, and member of the National Cancer Institute's Clinical Trials Advisory Board. He is the past president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.