ASHG: Sarah Tishkoff, Christine Eng, Scott Williams, Krystal Tsosie, Rebecca Meyer-Schuman
The American Society of Human Genetics has elected Sarah Tishkoff as its 2024 president-elect and Christine Eng, Scott Williams, Krystal Tsosie, and Rebecca Meyer-Schuman as directors. They will take up their posts on Jan. 1, 2024.
Tishkoff is a professor of genetics and biology at the University of Pennsylvania and director of the Penn Center for Global Genomics and Health Equity.
Eng is a professor of molecular and human genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, as well as director of the Storage Disorders Clinic at Texas Children's Hospital and medical director and acting laboratory director at Baylor DNA Diagnostic Laboratory.
Williams is a professor of population and quantitative health sciences, genetics, and genome sciences at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Tsosie, joining the board as early career director, is an assistant professor of life sciences at Arizona State University and the cofounder of the Native BioData Consortium.
Meyer-Schuman, joining the board as trainee director, is a postdoctoral associate in the lab of Huda Zoghbi at Baylor College of Medicine.