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908 Devices: Scientific Advisory Board Expansion

908 Devices, a developer of miniaturized mass spectrometers, has expanded its scientific advisory board by adding six new members alongside existing board co-chairs Christopher Brown and Michael Ramsey. The company announced the new members in conjunction with forming a dedicated proteomics panel for life sciences applications. They are:

  • Ileana Cristea, professor of molecular biology at Princeton University; executive board member of the US Human Proteome Organization; and chair of the Human Proteome Project
  • Jennifer Van Eyk, professor of medicine, chair of women's heart health, and director of the Advanced Clinical Biosystems Institute in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Precision Biomarker Labs at Cedars Sinai Medical Center
  • Anne-Claude Gingras, senior investigator at the Lunefeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto
  • Jesper Olsen, professor and vice director of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research at the University of Copenhagen
  • Renã Robinson, associate professor of chemistry and faculty fellow at Vanderbilt University
  • John Yates, professor of molecular medicine, Scripps Research Institute