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10x Genomics: Sarah Teichmann

10x Genomics has appointed Sarah Teichmann to its board of directors, with a term expiring in 2027.

Teichmann is chair of stem cell medicine at the University of Cambridge's Stem Cell Institute and Department of Medicine; VP for translational research, respiratory and immunology at Glaxo Smith Kline; and a cofounder, CSO, and board member of EnsoCell Therapeutics. From 2016 to 2023, she was head of cellular genetics at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, where she was a member of the executive board. Teichmann cofounded the Human Cell Atlas and was co-chair of its organizing committee, as well as co-chair of the board of directors of the nonprofit organization that supported the HCA since April 2020. She holds a doctorate in computational genomics from the University of Cambridge.