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People in the News: William Denman, Rolland Carlson, Tanja Dowe, Katleen Verleysen, Greg Shaw

William Denman

William Denman, chief medical officer and founding member of Premaitha Health, has stepped down as director and consultant to the company.

Rolland Carlson, Tanja Dowe, Katleen Verleysen

Immunexpress has appointed Rolland Carlson, Tanja Dowe, and Katleen Verleysen to its board. The company also noted that Bea Arnold has stepped down from the board after a three-year tenure.

Carlson was appointed CEO of Immunexpress last month, and previously served as president and CEO at both WaferGen Biosystems and Asuragen. Dowe currently serves as CEO of Debiopharm Innovation Fund, the strategic corporate fund of Debiopharm Group. Verleysen is CEO of CellSeeQ. Prior to that, she held various positions at Pronota, including CEO and chief operating officer.

Greg Shaw

Angle announced today that it has appointed Greg Shaw to its scientific advisory board. Shaw is currently a consulting urological surgeon at the University College Hospital in London. He is also chief investigator for two studies at the National Institute for Health Research investigating the effects of refinements to robotic surgery and the use of drugs to prevent progression in men on active surveillance for prostate cancer.

For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.

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