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People in the News: Samraat Raha, Elizabeth Jaffe, and Jerry Williamson

Samraat Raha

Agilent Technologies has named Samraat Raha senior VP of strategy and corporate development. Raha will report directly to Agilent President and CEO Mike McMullen. His duties will include advising the firm's executive team and developing its global growth strategy, including for mergers and acquisitions. Raha joins Agilent from Illumina, where was VP of global marketing. He also served as VP and general manager of genomic assays at Life Technologies, where he helmed the TaqMan and qPCR product lines.

Elizabeth Jaffe

The American Association for Cancer Research has elected Elizabeth Jaffe as its president for 2017-2018. Jaffe is currently a chair and member of the National Cancer Advisory Board for the National Cancer Institute, and co-chair of the NCI Blue Ribbon Panel for the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative. She is also the deputy director of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University, the associate director of the Bloomberg-Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, professor of oncology and professor of pathology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and an active staff member in oncology at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Jerry Williamson

Kew has appointed Jerry Williamson president, CEO, and board member. Williamson most recently served as president and CEO of Metamark Genetics. He has also held senior leadership positions at Flagship Ventures, which was later sold to Danaher; Biacore, which was later sold to GE Life Sciences; and Pyrosequencing.

For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.