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People in the News: Nikko Khazana, Mark Mozley, Steven Kafka, More

Nikko Khazana, Mark Mozley

NantHealth has hired Nikko Khazana as senior VP for strategy and business development and Mark Mozley as SVP for global sales. Khazana had previously served as SVP of sales at CompanionDx Reference Lab. Mozley previously led sales efforts for life sciences and global strategic accounts at Clarivate Analytics.

Steven Kafka

Steven Kafka has joined the board of directors of ArcherDX. He serves as a venture partner at Third Rock Ventures, and was previously the president and chief operating officer of Foundation Medicine, which is now owned by Roche. Before that, he was the COO and CFO of Aileron Therapeutics and VP of finance at Infinity Pharmaceuticals.

Wang Shi

Wang Shi has been appointed as co-chair of BGI Group, where he will assist with business management and operations. He is the founder and former chairman of China Vanke, a residential real estate developer.

For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.