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People in the News: John Pouk and Frank Ingari

John Pouk

10X Genomics has appointed John Pouk as chief commercial officer. Pouk brings more than 30 years of leadership, operational, and commercial experience in the life sciences and diagnostics industry to 10X Genomics. He joins the company from Agilent Technologies where he served in various executive roles, including senior vice president of global sales and international operations and senior vice president and general manager of worldwide life science sales. Pouk has served as senior vice president of global sales and international operations at Stratagene, until the company was acquired by Agilent in 2007. He has also served in various capacities within the life sciences and medical divisions of Fisher Scientific Company, now called Thermo Fisher Scientific, including vice president and general manager of the western region.

Frank Ingari

Cure Forward has appointed Frank Ingari as CEO. He has more than 35 years of experience in the consumer, healthcare, and information technology industries. Ingari comes to Cure Forward, from NaviNet where he served as CEO. He has also held CEO appointments at 5-Star Medicare Advantage plan Essence Healthcare and best-in-KLAS value-based care service provider Lumeris, which Ingari co-founded.

For more recent items on executive appointments and promotions in the omics and molecular diagnostics industries, please see the People in the News page on our website.