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Product Watch: Tecan and Promega's gDNA Extraction Workstation; Mo Bio Labs' DNA Isolation Kit


Tecan and Promega this week introduced a fully automated workstation for extracting genomic DNA from whole blood samples.

Designed for biobanks and high-throughput genomic laboratories, the Freedom EVO HSM workstation enables automated extraction of genomic DNA from large-volume blood samples using Promega's ReliaPrep Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System.

The workstation is designed to streamline biobanking workflows, offering one-tube gDNA extraction from up to 32 samples in less than four hours, Tecan said. The system is controlled by Tecan’s TouchTools touchscreen interface, and features pre-installed protocols that have been rigorously tested and verified by Promega. The platform’s liquid level detection function enables it to automatically calculate reagent volumes for each sample, ensuring extraction of high-quality DNA from 1 to 10 mL of blood and meeting requirements of next-generation sequencing methods, Tecan said.

Mo Bio Laboratories this week launched the PowerFecal DNA isolation kit.

The kit is optimized for isolating high-quality DNA from stool, gut material, and biosolids for use in characterizing the human microbiome. The kit features bead-based lysis and inhibitor removal technology for complete removal of PCR inhibitors such as lipids, polysaccharides, and heme commonly found in stool or gut material, thus eliminating false negatives in downstream applications such as qPCR. Mo Bio said that the kit can extract DNA from 250 mg samples in 30 minutes.