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Product Watch: Promega's MethylEdge


Promega this week launched the MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System.

The system performs bisulfite conversion and DNA cleanup within two hours while maintaining DNA integrity, Promega said. It requires 100 pg to 2 µg amounts of input genomic DNA. Using optimized conversion reagents and cleanup and recovery methods, the system converts DNA at greater than or equal to 90 percent efficiency with minimal fragmentation. The resulting DNA is suitable for use in downstream applications such as PCR, array, or sequencing assays.

The kit includes all reagents necessary to perform 50 bisulfite conversion reactions. All MethylEdge reagents can be stored at room temperature and require minimal up-front preparation. Control DNAs are also available separately and can be used as standards in both the conversion reaction and post-conversion analysis, the company said.

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