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Product Watch: DNA Software's qPCR CopyCount


DNA Software this week announced the general release of qPCR CopyCount, a cloud-based service that derives absolute DNA quantification from quantitative PCR sample data without the need for calibration standards.

The product is based on proprietary technology developed by DNA Software in which the shape of a qPCR curve is analyzed to accurately predict the absolute number of DNA copies in the original sample. This is based on a concept called counting PCR, in which the number of DNA copies at each PCR cycle is determined.

The quantification of DNA using qPCR CopyCount has important applications in nucleic acid-based diagnostics, gene expression studies, viral titer determination, cancer diagnostics, and next-generation sequencing, DNA Software said.

Joseph Johnson, vice president of business development at DNA Software, said in a statement that "researchers will observe a significant savings of laboratory resources as qPCR CopyCount is compatible with most existing qPCR instruments on the market, negating the need to purchase new instrumentation … to quantify DNA copies in a sample.

In addition, the cloud-based service lets researchers more quickly process very large PCR data sets so that experimental results can be immediately applied toward research, the company said.