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Product Watch: May 20, 2010


Fluidigm this week introduced the FC1 Cycler, which is designed to reduce thermal cycling time three-fold compared to Fluidigm's current products.

Fluidigm said that the FC1 Cycler can reduce overall costs for customers conducting high sample throughput SNP genotyping since they will need fewer thermal cyclers to achieve output requirements.

The FC1 features a self-contained vacuum source and touch-screen interface, and is fully compatible with Fluidigm's 96.96 and 48.48 Dynamic Array and 12.765 Digital Array integrated fluidic circuits. When combined with either the company's EP1 Reader or BioMark real-time PCR system, the new thermal cycler can complete the entire workflow in hours, Fluidigm said.

Bio-Rad this week introduced SsoFast probes supermix, a reagent mix that enables rsearchers using fluorogenic probes to enhance the speed, reliability, and sensitivity of their qPCR experiments.

By combining Bio-Rad's Sso7d fusion polymerase with an optimized buffer formulation, the SsoFast probes supermix yields fast duplex qPCR results in 30 minutes or less compared with other products, Bio-Rad said.

In addition, the polymerase is significantly more resistant to PCR inhibitors, making SsoFast an ideal choice for demanding qPCR applications, the company said.