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PCR Reagents Firm Syzygy Biotech Changes Name to Empirical Bioscience


Syzygy Biotech said this week that it has changed its name to Empirical Bioscience to "better reflect its mission in serving the rapidly changing life sciences industry."

The Grand Rapids, Mich.-based company has developed a range of high-grade molecular biology products optimized for use in next-generation sequencing, translational research, agricultural applications, clinical diagnostics, and education.

More specifically, Emperical Bioscience manufactures low-cost reagents, such as Taq polymerases, and master mixes for use in DNA amplification, including the rEVAlution qPCR master mix, which it launched in November. Other offerings include its TAq 2x MeanGreen Master Mix, a ready-to-use 2x mixture of TAq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, and buffers for efficient PCR amplification.

Empirical said it has also developed what it believes to be the most effective G-C enhancer on the market today for research of G-C rich targets, as well as a customized version for multiplexing.

In 2011 Emperical, then Syzygy, received a $100,000 investment from the Michigan Pre-Seed Capital Fund, an equity fund administered by Ann Arbor Spark that invests in tech companies to support business formation and acceleration.

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