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Fluxion, Rubicon Team on CTC Applications

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Fluxion Biosciences today said that it has signed a reagent supply and collaboration agreement with Rubicon Genomics aimed at circulating tumor cell applications.

The South San Francisco, Calif.-based firm said that the alliance will integrate enrichment methods for rare cells using Fluxion's IsoFlux System with Rubicon's NovaPlex sample preparation kits.

Fluxion added that the firms will provide sample-specific products from Rubicon's amplification portfolio to samples processed by Fluxion's IsoFlux System. The samples can then be analyzed using a variety of techniques including next-generation sequencing, microarrays, and PCR-based methods.

Further terms of the alliance were not disclosed.

"The Rubicon protocols are simpler, faster and more robust than the competition, and they also yield superior analytical results on sequencing, array, and PCR platforms," Michael Schwartz, program director at Fluxion, said in a statement.