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Eppendorf Licenses Thermal Cycler Gradient Tech to Agilent


Eppendorf said today that it has licensed patents covering gradient technology for thermal cyclers to Agilent Technologies.

The license includes US Patent No. 6,767,512, entitled "Temperature-regulating block with temperature-regulating devices;" and No. 7.074,367, entitled "Thermostated block with heat-regulating devices."

Last April, Agilent launched the SureCycler 8800 endpoint PCR instrument, which counts among its features thermal gradient technology (PCR Insider, 4/7/2011). Eppendorf utilizes the technology in its Eppendorf Mastercycler Pro Gradient, Mastercycler Nexus Gradient, and Mastercycler EP Realplex models.

In the last year, Hamburg, Germany-based Eppendorf has licensed the '512 and '367 patents to a number of life science companies, including Roche, Takara Bio, Analytik Jena, Bulldog Bio, Labnet, and Bibby Scientific.