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Co-Diagnostics Receives PCR Technology from DNA Logix

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Co-Diagnostics said recently that certain real-time PCR technology has been transferred to the company from DNA Logix.

DNA Logix transferred four patents and applications pursuant to a purchase agreement between the two firms. Under the terms of the agreement, Co-Diagnostics, based in Salt Lake City, exercised its option to purchase the technology related to real-time PCR diagnostics testing.

The patents and applications that were transferred are titled, "Methods of Preventing Non-Specific Reactions of Nucleotide Sequences;" "Rapid Oligo Probes;" "Detection Primers for Nucleic Acid Extensions or Amplification Reactions;" and "Primers for Nucleic Acid Extension or Amplification Reactions."

In a statement, Co-Diagnostics President Dwight Egan said that "the patents transferred contain cutting-edge technology in the molecular diagnostic testing industry and represent a breakthrough that will enable testing to be performed much less expensively than is standard in the industry at the present time."