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Biofortuna to Provide HLA Kits for Lab901's PCR-Based Diagnostic Platform


Lab901 and Biofortuna said this week that they will collaborate on the development of an automated PCR-based diagnostic system for the rapid detection of celiac disease and other diseases related to human leukocyte antigen status.

Lab901, based in Edinburgh, UK, said that it will optimize its ScreenTape PCR diagnostics platform for use with Liverpool, UK-based Biofortuna’s multiplex PCR diagnostics kits for the detection of celiac disease and other HLA-related diseases such as reactive arthritis, diabetes, and drug hypersensitivity.

The ScreenTape PCR diagnostics platform includes an instrument, consumables, and analysis software that automatically interprets results.

Biofortuna said that its genotyping tests combine multiplexing and a "novel dried format that only requires addition of sample DNA prior to PCR." Its celiac disease test identifies six different polymorphisms associated with susceptibility to the disease.

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.