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Belgium's VIB to Use Biogazelle qPCR Data-analysis Software


BITS, the bioinformatics training and service facility of Belgium's Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie, or VIB, will use Biogazelle's qbase+ software for PCR analysis, Biogazelle said this week.

Under a group license, qbase+ is now available to more than 1,000 researchers from more than 10 VIB departments.

Based on peer-reviewed geNorm and qBase technology developed by Ghent University's Jo Vandesompele and Jan Hellemans, qbase+ is qPCR data-analysis software designed for mRNA gene expression profiling and analysis, miRNA profiling and validation studies, and gene copy number analysis, among other applications.

"Qbase+ will allow us to improve the accuracy of our results and bring our qPCR-based research to a higher level," Herwig Van Marck, director of BITS, said in a statement. "The peer-reviewed software algorithms will help our researchers to annotate and process qPCR data according to international guidelines."

Van Marck added that the group can ensure data quality by using various calculations available in qbase+ for post-PCR quality control, PCR efficiency correction, normalization, inter-run calibration, and statistics.

Biogazelle, based in Zwijnaarde, Belgium, said that it will also provide training sessions and expertise to qPCR users within VIB.