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UgenTec, R-Biopharm Collaborate to Develop Software for Automated PCR Analysis

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – UgenTec announced today that it has agreed to collaborate with R-Biopharm AG to develop an interpretation software for that company's clinical PCR kits.

Under the terms of the agreement, Belgium-based UgenTec will develop a standardized software for automated quantitative interpretation of the results of various PCR assays developed by R-Biopharm. Named RidaSeek, the software will work with most frequently used PCR platforms. The companies' collaboration will cover the software's development, regulatory approval, and launch. The first assays using RidaSeek will be R-Biopharm's RidaGene molecular diagnostic kits and selected RidaPrecision companion diagnostic kits.

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

According to R-Biopharm, the new project will help to increase efficiency for clinical diagnostic laboratories performing the company's assays by reducing analysis time and providing higher diagnostic certainty.

"Our collaboration with R-Biopharm acknowledges the increased trend towards value-based strategies in diagnostics," UgenTec CEO Wouter Uten said in a statement. "We are glad to use our experience in automated PCR interpretation to help increase the quality and time efficiency of R-Biopharm's customers in clinical and companion diagnostics."