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Product Watch: Mo Bio FFPE RNA Isolation Kit; Exiqon Exosome Isolation Kit


Mo Bio Laboratories this week launched the BiOstic FFPE Tissue RNA Isolation Kit.

This new kit features a very efficient protocol that includes complete lysis and extraction of total RNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues without the use of toxic organic solvents such as xylene, Mo Bio said.

The kit builds upon the company's expertise in extracting nucleic acids from challenging samples such as in the previous BiOstic FFPE Tissue DNA Isolation Kit. The latest kit includes a room temperature-stable DNAse that ensures the best DNA removal, and a proprietary new low-elution spin filter that delivers highly concentrated RNA that is ready to use in RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, microarrays, or next-generation sequencing, the company said.

Exiqon this week launched its miRCURY Exosome Isolation Kits for exosome isolation from various biofluids and cell media.

Over the past few years the body of scientific literature has documented the biological importance of exosomes, which play a key role in cell-to-cell communication, cell migration, and cell differentiation, among other processes. Exosomes contain protein and RNA and may be a preferred target for identification of new biomarkers. However, the isolation of exosomes is challenged by a lack of reproducibility, lack of specificity, and tedious work processes, Exiqon said.

The company's new miRCURY Exosome Isolation Kits address these challenges by ensuring very high recovery of exosomes in less than two hours using non-toxic reagents. Using the kit, exosomes may be isolated from diverse sources such as serum, plasma, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and cell culture media, the company said.

The new exosome isolation kits are optimized for use with the company's miRCURY RNA Isolation Kits and miRCURY LNA Universal RT microRNA PCR platform.