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OraSure Completes $50.6M Buy of DNA Genotek

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – OraSure Technologies today announced it has completed its purchase of DNA Genotek for C$50 million (US$50.6 million) in cash.

DNA Genoteck, based in Ottawa, Ontario, will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of OraSure. The deal, announced in late July, provides OraSure a complementary portfolio of products for the collection, stabilization, transportation, and storage of high quality nucleic acid samples, which can then be used for diagnostic and research purposes.

It also gives Bethlehem, Pa-based OraSure, whose products include antibody-based assays for infectious diseases, a presence in the molecular diagnostics space.

DNA Genoteck has more than 3,000 customers in more than 100 countries, OraSure said. In 2010, DNA Genotek generated approximately $14 million in revenues.