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Neogen's Listeria Assay AOAC Approved

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Neogen said on Thursday that the AOAC Research Institute has approved the company's test to detect Listeria monocytogenes DNA in food and environmental samples.

The ANSR test is based on isothermal amplification and detects L. monocytogenes in about 10 minutes after sample processing, Neogen said. Combined with ANSR's single-step enrichment, Neogen's method for detecting L. monocytogenes can also provide results in as little as 17 hours for environmental samples. Utilizing the firm's Less Plus Medium, which can be autoclaved, larger batches of media can be prepared before they are used.

The AOAC approval covers the use of the test to detect L. monocytogenes in hot dogs, Mexican-style cheese, cantaloupe, guacamole, pasteurized liquid egg, sprout irrigation water, and sponge samples from stainless steel surfaces.