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MDx Firm Co-Diagnostics Buying Technologies from DNA Logix

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Molecular diagnostics Co-Diagnostics late on Friday announced an agreement with DNA Logix to acquire certain technologies for genetic analysis in the clinical, industrial, and biothreat spaces.

Sandy, Utah-based Co-Diagnostics will buy DNA Logix's technology pertaining to DNA testing with "superior sensitivity and specificity. The technology facilitates rapid assay development and significantly reduced costs for the end user," it said.

The technology was created by Brent Satterfield, founder of Bountiful, Utah-based DNA Logix. Using the acquired technology, Co-Diagnostics will develop molecular technologies based on biophysical models and statistical bioinformatics. The planned products will use PCR technology and mathematical methods to predict the presence or absence of disease or infections on the DNA level, it said on its website.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.