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MBS Inks Multiple Distribution Agreements for PCR Platform

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Molecular Biology Systems said yesterday that it has inked several new distribution agreements for its NextGen PCR ultra-fast thermal cycler.

The new agreements are with PreMed Lab in China; Pronto Diagnostics in Israel; Ybux in the Czech Republic; Albiogen in Russia; Isogen Life Science in Benelux and Spain; and Camlab in the UK.

MBS was founded in 2014 and is based in the Netherlands. Last year it unveiled NextGen PCR as its flagship product. The company claims that the system can dramatically shorten DNA amplification, with a three-step, 30-cycle protocol taking about two minutes. The platform also uses standard 96- and 384-well microplates.

The platform's "ability to slash amplification times from hours to minutes and fit seamlessly into any lab routines and protocols is proving a major draw for distributors and we are delighted to have built up a global network so rapidly," MBS CEO and Founder Gert de Vos said in a statement.