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Life Tech to Supply Covaris Fragmenting System with Ion Torrent Sequencers

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Life Technologies will supply Covaris's DNA fragmenting system with its Ion PGM and Ion Proton sequencers, Woburn, Mass.-based Covaris said after the close of the market Wednesday.

The agreement enables Life Tech to supply the Covaris M220 Focused-ultrasonicator system with the Ion Torrent systems. The M220 has reduced start-up time to less than two minutes and has an integrated cooling system, said Covaris.

Financial and other terms were not disclosed.

"Today's highly sensitive NGS systems are clearly exposing the importance of controlled, isothermal DNA fragmentation," Covaris CEO Jim Laugharn said in a statement. "This is even more important when unbiased and uniform deep coverage with maximum library complexity is required to maintain clinical relevance."

In addition to DNA shearing, the M220 can provide chromatin shearing, RNA shearing, DNA extraction from FFPE samples, and biomarker extraction from tissue samples, Covaris said.