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Life Tech, PIKA Weihenstephan Take Aim at Beer Spoilage

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Life Technologies today announced a partnership with PIKA Weihenstephan to provide molecular methods of detecting spoilage organisms to the brewing and beverage industry.

The deal combines Life Tech's PCR instruments with PIKA Weihenstephan's PCR-based tests and Fast Orange Nutrient Broth. Combining the technologies allows brewers to shorten the time-to-result by several days and results in more information from the brewing process, Life Tech said.

Testing can now be performed in one streamlined workflow solution, enabling "at-line" testing during processing and preventing spoilage while identifying potential sources of contamination.

PIKA Weihenstephan is a spin-out of Technical University Munich.

"For major brewing labels in particular, protecting consistency in product quality and making sure their beer tastes good, is a critical component to brand protection," Nir Nimrodi, VP and GM of Animal Health & Food Safety at Life Tech, said in a statement.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.