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Life Tech, IntegenX Ink Distribution Deal for GlobalFiler Express Chemistry

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Thermo Fisher Scientific's Life Technologies today announced an agreement granting IntegenX the distribution rights to Life Tech's GlobalFiler Express chemistry on IntegenX's RapitHIT platform.

According to Life Tech, the integration of RapidHit and GlobalFiler is the first Rapid DNA technology that complies with recommendations by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) to expand a set of genetic biomarkers "to maximize international DNA database compatibility."

Rapid DNA Technology can result in sample analysis in less than two hours, compared to two to three weeks, a turnaround time that has major implications for law enforcement, war crimes investigations, and immigration, Life Tech said. It added that GlobalFiler Express chemistry includes 24 markers that deliver up to nine times the informative power of other commercial kits.

GlobalFiler Express chemistry has all the genetic markers that the CODIS Core Loci Working Group has recommended for inclusion, including 10 additional markers commonly used in Europe to minimize the risk of chance matches and improve data sharing among countries.

GlobalFiler also has proprietary six-dye chemistry for "maximum database compatibility," which facilitates sample processing five times faster than with other solutions, and the chemistry allows researchers to amplify challenging samples, such as degraded human remains, Life Tech said.

In a statement, IntegenX President and CEO Robert Schueren said, "As global forensic DNA databases rapidly expand, so does the need for more discriminating short tandem repeat multiplexes that can maximize loci overlap. That's why we've partnered with Life Technologies to integrate GlobalFiler Express kits into the RapidHit cartridges."

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.