The California Institute of Technology has been awarded US Patent No. 8,871,446, "Microfluidic nucleic acid analysis."
Jong Hong, Vincent Studer, French Anderson, Stephen Quake, and Jared Leadbetter are named as inventors.
US Patent No. 8,871,469, "Self-avoiding molecular recognition systems in DNA priming," has been awarded to an unspecified entity.
Steven Benner, Shuichi Hoshika, and Fei Chen are named as inventors.
Applied Biosystems (Thermo Fisher Scientific) has been awarded US Patent No. 8,871,470, "Adaptive thermal block temperature control method and system."
Chee Kiong Lim and Chee Wee Ching are named as inventors.
Ibis Biosciences (Abbott) has been awarded US Patent No. 8,871,471, "Methods for rapid forensic DNA analysis."
Thomas Hall, Steven Hofstadler, and Kristin Sannes-Lowery are named as inventors.
Biological Dynamics has been awarded US Patent No. 8,871,481, "Nucleic acid sample preparation."
Rajaram Krishnan, David Charlot, Eugene Tu, James McCanna, Lucas Kumosa, Paul Swanson, Robert Turner, Kai Yang, Irina Dobrovolskaya, and David Liu are named as inventors.